
Trautman Union大楼疏散计划

The 成功 of any evacuation depends on common sense, 逻辑, and presence of mind; all evacuations should follow the fastest and safest route the particular emergency allows. All building evacuations will occur at a fire alarm or upon notification from authorized personnel.

 All building evacuations will occur when a fire alarm sounds or upon notification from authorized personnel. All personnel will evacuate to at least 75 feet from the building. 张贴了疏散地图,并标出了出口. 一旦建筑物被疏散, people may not reenter until approval is given by the University President. 总统不在的时候, 公共安全局局长, 或设施署署长, or Dean of Students shall act as the Official University Representative.

  1. Upon discovery of a fire or other significant emergency:

  2. A building evacuation will occur when a fire alarm sounds, or upon notification from Public Safety.

  3. 疏散监视器 or other SMU Official will: Announce evacuation in a clear, calm voice; Oversee orderly evacuation of room; Shut doors and windows and turn lights off (if time allows); Escort evacuees to designated assembly point. Evacuation Monitor is the last to leave a given zone of responsibility. 撤离人员将前往, 并留在, designated assembly area until released by authorized SMU Official (President, 公共安全处处长, 设施署署长, 或学生事务主任). 警告:火警可能会停止响铃…. 总是继续疏散

  4. 在所有的门口, evacuees will look both ways to determine direction of emergency and then proceed with evacuation.


    1. Communicate the nature of the emergency to the person.

    2. 询问对方希望得到怎样的帮助.

    3. 如果可能的话,请随身携带移动辅助设备.

FOR PERSONS WITH VISUAL IMPAIRMENTS: Offer to guide person to the nearest exit. Have the person take your elbow and advise of any obstacles such as stairs, 狭窄的通道, 或者悬垂的物体. At the assembly area, orient the person and ask if further assistance is needed.

FOR PERSONS WITH HEARING IMPAIRMENTS: Communicate with the hearing disabled person through writing, 手势, 或唇读.

适合使用轮椅的人士使用, 拐杖, 拐杖, OR WALKERS: Ask what method of assistance the person prefers. 如果可能的话,疏散辅助人员. If the person prefers to be moved in the wheelchair, remember:

  • Ask if the person wants to move forward or backward down stairs

  • 轮椅有许多可移动或脆弱的部件

  • 有些人的上躯干或颈部没有力量

  • An evacuation chair may be needed; the regular wheelchair can be retrieved later

  • 如果有安全带,请使用!

If the person prefers to be removed from the wheelchair, ask his/her preference on the following:

  • 从轮椅上移走的方式

  • 是否移动四肢

  • 在楼梯上向前或向后移动的

  • 是否带坐垫或脚垫

  • 疏散后护理需要什么

我们会尽快把助行器取出来. 联系 Public Safety for location of mobility devices.


Primary Assembly Point: Kreielsheimer Hall (Building 13) Command Post: South entrance to bldg..


  • Cebula大厅(7号楼). 指挥所:南入口

  • 分诊地点:莱西消防局待定

  • 媒体集合点:传媒办公室待定

Keep streets, fire lanes, hydrants, and walkways clear for emergency personnel. 疏散监视器 will report completed evacuation to designated SMU Official at the Assembly Point Command Post. Evacuees must remain at the Assembly Point until released by a University Official. Evacuees may be requested to move to an alternate site. If requested, evacuees will assist emergency personnel. Names of persons not accounted for are to be given immediately to 公共安全局局长. A designated official will remain at the Command Post to facilitate communications with SMU Administrators, 疏散监视器, 等. 

  1. 联络点:公共安全, 或其他指定的新大官员, is the Point of 联系 (POC) for arriving fire/police officials and will report nature and location of emergency and status of evacuation.

  2. RETURN TO BUILDING: People may not return to the building until released by the University President, 公共安全处处长, 或设施署署长.  

  3. 地震过程:

  • 下降, 封面, Hold under a table or desk or against an inside wall-not in a doorway-until the shaking stops.

  • 在震动停止后, check yourself and others for injuries and move toward the nearest exit or alternate exit.

  • 撤离大楼.  不要尝试使用电梯.  去紧急集合点.

  • 远离建筑物、电线杆等.

  • Remain at 紧急集合点 until released by University Officials.




  1. INSTRUCT students to meet you at the designated assembly area after completing evacuation.

  2. ANNOUNCE evacuation and remove everyone from your classroom as quickly and safely as possible. If time allows, close windows and doors, and turn lights off.

  3. 在指定的集合区集合.

  4. PROVIDE information concerning injuries or other emergency conditions to University Officials at the designated Assembly Area Command Post.

  5. 记住:保持冷静. Your students will be looking to you for direction and leadership in an emergency situation. 做好帮助他们的准备!